Scientists Shocked After Testing Ecig Vapor in the Lab

by Jimmy Hafrey Mar 9, 2015

The new study was published in “Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology” and showed what exactly is hiding in ecig vapor compared to the contents of cigarette smoke. Scientists ran tests on three flavors ofBlu ecigs and two flavors of SKYCigs. They also tested Marlboro Golds and Lambert & Butler cigarettes. Finally, they tested the ordinary room air as a baseline to use as they compared the results.

The researchers specifically looked for 8 toxins in this study: carbon monoxide, carbonyls, phenolics, volatiles, metals, tobacco-specific nitrosamines, polyaromatic amines, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. It was no surprise that tobacco cigarette smoke was full of poisonous chemicals. But researchers were shocked to see that the toxins in ecigarette vapor were quite similar to the normal toxins found in regular room air. In fact, there was no major increase in toxins between normal air and ecig vapor.

Instead of deadly toxins, the ecig vapor only contained propylene glycol, water, and small traces of flavoring and nicotine additives. In order to register any degree of toxicity, the scientists had to use 99 puffs of an ecig to get even the tiniest measurement of 0.18 milligrams of HPHC’s. To put that in perspective, a single puff of a Marlboro Gold cigarette measured 30.6 milligrams. In a puff-to-puff comparison, the cigarettes had 2000 times more toxins than the e-cigs.

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