About Organic Essential Oil

Essential oils are extracted from plants using a steam distillation method. After cooling, the pure oil is separated from the water. This results in a highly concentrated plant essence. Many essential oils are processed solely for use in aromatherapy and in topically applied fragrances. Therapeutic grade essential oils are processed in a way that makes them acceptable for internal use in very small doses.

Benefits of Essential Oil

There are many benefits of essential oils. Non-therapeutic grade oils are used in aromatherapy to deodorize and purify the air. They can also be used as household cleaning agents and insect repellents. Therapeutic, also known as food grade, oils are used for various medicinal purposes. They are effective in fighting infections and allergies, stimulating the central nervous system, boosting the immune system, and relaxing the body and mind.

How to use Essential Oil

There are different types of diffuse appliances that will mist or effuse essential oils into the air. Oils can be applied topically by adding a few drops to a carrier oil, such as jojoba. This works very well for a soothing massage. You can add a few drops of oil to your bath water. Lavender is especially relaxing when added to a bath. Food grade oils can be added to pure water for ingesting. Dosing should be discussed with a qualified practitioner for your safety. Essential oils can be combined or blended for a more effective outcome. Some insect repellents are blends of oils, such citronella, geranium, and peppermint.

Why is Organic Important

Organic essential oil is made from non-genetically modified plant sources that have been grown without the use of pesticides. This is especially important if you intend to ingest the oils. Because the oils are so highly concentrated, it is believed that non-organic oils would naturally have high concentrations of pesticides in them. You are likely to pay more for high quality, organic essential oils. The oils will last a long time because you use only a few drops at a time. They are quite powerful. As with any therapy, it is recommended that you consult with a knowledgeable practitioner prior to using essential oils.

Vaporizers devices can be used to inhale Dry Herbs, Wax or Essential Oils. Some research says vaping essential oils is more beneficial that vaping organic herbs.  You’ll reap all of the same health benefits of the oil without being exposed to smoke.

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